
Privacy policy

AHLANKOREA 2023. 7. 24. 14:44

Article 1. Items and methods of collecting personal information collected

The company collects personal information for membership registration, service provision, and other counseling, and can also request the entry of personal information for collective statistical analysis or gift delivery purposes during surveys or events. However, the company does not collect sensitive personal information (ethnic and ethnic, ideological and creed, origin and domicile, political orientation, and criminal records) that may violate users' basic human rights. Even at this time, we would like to inform you that the information you have filled out will not be used for any purpose other than the provision of the service or for any purpose other than the purpose previously stated to the member.

The collection of personal information is as follows.

Required items

Personal members : name, login ID, login password, e-mail, address, profile picture
Individual/corporate business : Company/organization name (including English), business registration number, address, phone number, login ID, login password, contact name, contact e-mail
Individual member under the age of 14: Name, login ID, login password, e-mail, address, profile picture, name of guardian (legal representative) and e-mail

Selected Item

Information necessary for payment, such as credit card information, bank account information, mobile phone information, etc

How to Collect Personal Information : Home Page

Article 2. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

The company collects personal information for the following purposes.

Performance of contracts for service provision and provision of fee settlement contents, billing, self-certification, delivery of goods, purchase and payment of fees, financial services
Complaints such as identification, personal identification, prevention of illegal and unauthorized use of defective members, confirmation of intention and age to join, confirmation of consent of legal representatives when collecting personal information of children under the age of 14, and delivery of complaints.
Development and specialization of new services for marketing and advertising, such as service guidance, provision of services according to demographic characteristics, identification of advertising frequency, statistics on members' service use, and delivery of advertising information such as events

Article 3. Consent to Collection of Personal Information
The company receives consent to the collection of personal information from members, and has a consent procedure for collecting personal information in the terms of use and personal information processing policy among the membership registration procedures within the company. If you check the [I agree to the 'Terms and Policies'] column, it is considered that you have agreed to collect personal information.

Article 4. Status of Use of Personal Information
The company uses users' personal information within the range notified in "2. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information", and does not use the user's personal information beyond this range or disclose the user's personal information to the outside in principle without the user's prior consent. However, exceptions are made in the following cases.

Where users have agreed to disclose in advance
Where a request is made by an investigative agency in accordance with the provisions of statutes or in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed by statutes for the purpose of investigation

Article 5. Status of entrustment of provision and processing of personal information to a third party
The personal information processing consignment company entrusts personal information as follows to improve services, and stipulates necessary matters so that personal information can be safely managed in accordance with related laws and regulations.

Personal information providers do not provide your information to third parties without your consent. If such a need arises in the future, we will notify the customer and obtain prior consent if necessary.

Article 6. Period of Retention and Use of Personal Information
While the service user continues to use the service as a member of our company, we continue to retain the user's personal information and use it to provide the service.

The personal information of the service user is destroyed in a way that cannot be reproduced if the purpose of collection and use (including temporary purposes such as surveys and events) is achieved, or if the user deletes or withdraws from the membership.

We may keep the personal information of the member for one year from the time of termination of the member's contract in preparation for the recurrence of the request for abuse of the user's rights, prevention of abuse, dispute over defamation, and investigation.

If it is necessary to preserve it in accordance with the provisions of related laws, such as the Commercial Act, the Consumer Protection Act in e-commerce, etc., we keep member information for a certain period of time prescribed by the relevant laws. In this case, we use the information we keep only for the purpose of keeping it, and the retention period is as follows.

The personal information retention period is as follows when a member withdraws from the company's internal policy for holding information.

Basis for preservation : Disputes over infringement of rights, such as prevention of re-enrollment of defective users and defamation, and cooperation in investigation
Preservation period : 1 year after membership withdrawal
If it is necessary to preserve it in accordance with the relevant laws, such as the Commercial Act on the Reason for Information Retention under the relevant laws and the Consumer Protection Act in e-commerce, etc., the company keeps member information for a certain period of time. In this case, the company uses the information it keeps only for the purpose of storing it, and the retention period is as follows.

Records of contract or subscription withdrawal, etc
- Reason and duration of preservation : Act on Consumer Protection in e-commerce, etc. (5 years)
Records on payment and supply of goods, etc
- Reason and duration of preservation : Act on Consumer Protection in e-commerce, etc. (5 years)
Records of consumer complaints or dispute settlement
- Reasons and Period of Preservation : Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. (3 years)
a record of identification
- Reasons and Period of Preservation : Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Use and Information Protection (6 months)

A record of a visit
- Reasons and Period of Preservation : Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Use and Information Protection, etc. (3 months)

Article 7. Procedures and methods for destroying personal information
Whenever you want You can view or correct your registered members' personal information, and you can request to withdraw from the membership. You can view and modify your personal information after logging in by changing your member information on the site, and you can modify anything except your ID and name. If you want to withdraw from the membership, you can withdraw from the site, and you should carefully consider whether to withdraw by destroying all registered information. Also, there may be restrictions on re-joining after withdrawal.

The procedure and method of destroying personal information of the company are as follows.

Revocation procedure
Information entered by the user for membership registration is transferred to a separate DB after the purpose is achieved (for paper, separate document box) and is destroyed after being stored for a certain period of time according to internal policies and other relevant laws.
This personal information shall not be used for any purpose other than to be retained unless it is under the law.
How to destroy it
Personal information printed on paper is destroyed by crushing with a shredder or incineration.
Personal information stored in the form of an electronic file is deleted using a technical method that does not allow the record to be played.

Article 8. The rights of users and legal representatives and the method of exercising them
Users and legal representatives may inquire or modify the personal information of themselves or children under the age of 14 at any time, and may request the termination of the subscription.

To check or modify personal information of users or children under the age of 14, you can click "Membership Information Amendment" (or "Membership Information Change", click "Membership Withdrawal", and then view, correct, or withdraw.

Or contact the person in charge of personal information management in writing, phone, or e-mail, and we will take action without delay.

If a user requests a correction of an error in personal information, the personal information will not be used or provided until the correction is completed. In addition, if wrong personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the third party of the result of the correction process without delay so that the correction can be made.

The company processes personal information terminated or deleted at the request of the user or legal representative as specified in "Personal Information Retention and Use Period" and prevents it from being viewed or used for other purposes. As the subject of information, users can request access, correction, deletion, and suspension of processing of personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

In this regard, the company notifies the company's action on the matter within 10 days, and requests for viewing, correction, deletion, and suspension of personal information can be submitted to the company.

Article 9. Matters concerning the installation, operation, and rejection of an automatic personal information collection device
A cookie is a small data file that the HTTP server sends to your browser and is stored on your computer. Using these cookies, the company will obtain the form of your browser or service use, and based on this cookie information, it will be used to provide useful and more convenient customized services to members.

You have a choice for cookies. By selecting options in your web browser, you can accept all cookies, go through verification whenever they are saved, or refuse to save all cookies. However, if you refuse to save cookies, you will not be able to use all of the company's services that require log-in.

Article 10. Technical and administrative measures for personal information protection
Your personal information is protected by a password. Only you can know the password of your account, and you can check and change your personal information only by the person who knows the password. Therefore, you should not tell anyone your password. It is also recommended that you log out and shut down your web browser after you have finished working. In particular, if you share a computer with others or use it in a public place, this procedure is more necessary to prevent personal information from being known to others. The company is not responsible for the leakage of personal information due to user carelessness or Internet problems.

The company is implementing technical and management measures to protect personal information as follows.

We are committed to firewalls and security systems to prevent hacking.
Secure information by installing SSL security server certificates when sending and receiving personal information.
Access to personal information is limited to the person in charge of the work and those who are inevitable to process personal information when performing the work, so that other employees cannot access it.
In the case of personal information processors, regular and frequent training is provided.
Access records of the personal information processing system are maintained and regularly checked and supervised.
Protection measures are being implemented when printing and copying personal information.

Article 11. Personal information of children
In principle, the company does not collect personal information of children under the age of 14. However, in special cases, children's personal information can be collected with the consent of the legal representative.

The company is doing its best to protect your personal information. However, in addition to these efforts, you should be careful not to expose your password to third parties. In particular, always be careful not to leak passwords through PCs installed in public places.

In addition, the company does not ask for your password by phone or email in any case. Therefore, it is recommended that only you use your ID and password and change your password frequently. The company does its best to protect personal information, but we are not responsible for personal information leakage that is not caused by your personal mistakes or the company's negligence.

Article 12. Personal Information Protection Officer
If you have any opinions regarding the company's personal information processing policy, please email me and I will take action as soon as I receive it and let you know the results of the processing. The person in charge of personal information protection is as follows.

Personal Information Protection Officer : Hongyoon Sim
Phone number : 070-5055-5935
E-mail : arabko@naver.com

If you need to report or consult other personal information infringement, please contact the institution below.

Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center : privacy.kisa.or.kr / 118 without country number
Cyber Crime Investigation Team of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office : www.spo.go.kr / 1301 without a national number
National Police Agency Cyber Terror Response Center: www.ctrc.go.kr / 182 without a national code

Article 13. Supplementary Provisions 
If there is a revision or change in the current personal information processing policy, it will be notified through an on-site notice at least 7 days in advance.

- Personal Information Processing Policy Enforcement Date: 2020-01-03